An object-oriented approach to creating a TKinter window

Tkinter window with label widget on Windows

The first Tkinter article showed how to create a simple window with a label. Here is the code: Grid was used as layout manager. After executing this code, this window appears: This simple app could now be further developed by adding more widgets. However, the more components are added, the more confusing the code becomes. … Read more

Introduction to Tkinter

Programming applications for the desktop is not a focus for me these days. Nevertheless, I have not lost interest in it. So every now and then I take a look at different programming languages ​​that can be used to implement this. This includes Python and Tkinter. In this blog post I would like to show … Read more

Setting up macOS for C++ programming

Create a new C++ project in CLion

To get started with C++ programming on a Mac, you need a compiler and a program for writing the code. This blog post explains how to install these components. Install a compiler A compiler may already be installed on the Mac. This is the case, for example, if Apple’s Xcode is installed. You can check … Read more

A guide to to Git – Part II

In the first part of this series of articles, a local Git repository was created for a website project. In the second part, we build on this and create a remote repository on Github. How to create a remote repository on Github Now that a local repository is available, we will now add a remote … Read more

A guide to to Git – Part I

This tutorial is about the basics of Git, although the following explanations are primarily aimed at beginners. But first, let’s clarify the question of what Git actually does. It is a version control system designed to track changes in source code. Instead of constantly saving new versions of a file, Git manages the different versions … Read more